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How to declutter your home

Start with collecting items and placing them in categories: Make 3 piles: "Keep," Donate," and "Trash,"’

Take a look at the items you have decided to keep and ask yourself “when was the last time I used that?”

If your items are large or you don’t use them regularly, but you want to hold on to them, transfer those items from “Keep” to “Storage”

If you haven’t used the item in 5 years, move it to the “Donate” or “Trash” category.

If the item is used and needs repair, decide if the repair would cost more than a replacement. Normally anything under $20 can easily be replaced and should be donated or thrown away.

Start the new year with a clean slate. There is nothing more satisfying than being less stressed and more organized.

Not sure what size storage unit you need? We can help! Our Self Storage Managers are trained to help you rent the size unit you need without breaking the bank. We are eager to help you feel good about storing the items that are meaningful and important to you.

Contact us today to see how we can help make tomorrow better for you!